Money Breakthrough to Financial Freedom


 Your Investment Includes: 
💎 60 min video-coaching sessions
once per week


💎 Email access between session
for personal money questions. 

Email response within 24hrs

when received during office hours

| value $500




 The constant worry about bills piling up each month and it never being enough leaves you feeling like a failure every day.


Learn how to stop stressing over money and find financial freedom so you can have better relationships and be at peace everyday no matter what is in your bank account


In our 90 days together, I am sharing Powerful information, effective proven techniques, and tools that you can implement immediately to:

        ✔️ Stop stressing 
        ✔️ Stop overspending
        ✔️ Be at peace with your bank account
        ✔️ Learn how to be creative with your money
        ✔️ Heal your relationship with money
        ✔️ Learned how to being grateful for what you have, can take you        to a higher                   financial level
        ✔️ Uncover what is stopping you to have financial freedom
        ✔️ Unlock your Inner Power around money



Imagine if…


You had peace with money and could move forward with your goals? 


I’ve designed this program to share with you what took me 20+ years and $60,000+ that lead me to Live my Dream Life

This is the kind of result I want for you in YOUR Financial Freedom - I’m not going to tell you what to do EVER. I will tell you what’s worked for me, my personal connection with God, my family, my coach, and my determination, so that you can make an educated decision on what’s going to be best for you and your Dream Life. 


Transparency + spirituality + Integrity are HUGE values of mine. You can be assured when you hire me you are getting a coach that walks the talk and I will be there to support you 1000% both inside and outside of your sessions…. because that is my personal signature!


If you REALLY -- I mean feel it in your bones want to transform your Money Legacy, and you know NOW is the time, this Luxe VIP Program is EXACTLY what you have been waiting for.


I don’t believe it was by chance we met. You asked Life for help and here I am. So take my hand and I will show you the way to your DREAM Financial Freedom, you’re ready for it!


There will be lots of breakthroughs, ah-ha’s, and FUN. Because if building your Financial Freedom isn’t FUN what’s the point?

After this course you will:


        ✔️ Have a clear road map to follow

        ✔️ Know exactly what to do in the future

        ✔️ Start living your Financial Freedom NOW

        ✔️ Make Peace, and be Friends with money

        ✔️ Have a Powerful Mindset to be in the state of     abundance

        ✔️ Transform your relationship with money to have your New Money Legacy     





Money is energy that is connected to your spirituality, creativity, beliefs, and gratitude!

My Story....

Once I struggled with money. I was a single mother raising two children. Even though I had a full time and a part time job, I had only enough to pay the bills. I was embarrassed when my girls asked me for clothes, or shoes, because I couldn't tell them that I didn't have money to buy clothes. I was on the line of churches to get a box of food for as little as $7.00 dollars. As a family, we had a dream to buy a house, but sadly, after learning about how the real state works, it was clear to me that I would never was able to buy a house.

Everything changed when I understood that my limiting beliefs, my family money story had me trapped in a poverty mentality.  It was time to change my Family Money Legacy!

Then my life entered a Life that was beyond my expectations. 
Now I travel all over the world, bought our first, and second house.  Our money conversations are so different now. 

Now is your time to change your money legacy too!

Payment Plan:

Plan A
Two Payments


  • $ 1, 698.50 to join
  • $ 1, 698.50 in 30 days
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Your Order

Money Breakthrough to Financial Freedom
$1,698.50 USD

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Money Breakthrough to Financial Freedom
$1,698.50 USD

Plan B
Pay in Full


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Your Order

The Breakthrough Financial Freedom - Plan B
$2,997.00 USD

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The Breakthrough Financial Freedom - Plan B
$2,997.00 USD
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